Asus G551JM Laptop Drivers Download For Windows 7,8

Publisher: Asus
License: Free
Price: Free
Date added: August 28, 2015

Resolve your Asus g551jm wireless, touchpad,audio,video not working problems with latest sound,graphic,wifi,Bluetooth drivers download for windows 7,8,xp operating system.Are you looking for the reliable and malware free drivers, then we are the right place to land in. You can download the series of drivers onto your laptop for free of cost from our website. This updated version of Asus g551jm laptop Driver enriches your computing operations and helps you to execute the tasks more effectively. This Asus g551jm Notebook driver’s software has compatibility updates and bug fixes for maximizing the wireless network performance of your windows 7,8,XP notebook. These are compatible to install on 32 and 64-bit versions of windows OS.

Asus g551jm laptop Driver software Download For windows 7,8

Asus g551jm Laptop Drivers Download For Windows 7,8

Asus G551JM Laptop Drivers Download For Windows 7,8:

Driver TypeVendorVersionFile SizeSupported Operating SystemDownload Link
Asus G551JM Laptop BIOS Drivers 204 2.29 MBwindows 8.1(64-bit)
windows 8.1(32-bit)
windows 7(64-bit)
windows 7(32-bit)
Download Now
Asus G551JM Laptop Audio DriverRealtek 99.87 MBwindows 8.1(64-bit)
windows 8.1(32-bit)
windows 7(64-bit)
windows 7(32-bit)
Download Now
Asus G551JM Laptop Graphics DrivernVidia V9.18.13.3360 370.97 MBwindows 8.1(64-bit)
windows 8.1(32-bit)
windows 7(64-bit)
windows 7(32-bit)
Download Now
Asus G551JM Laptop LAN DriverRealtek V8.033.0529.2014 5.81 MBwindows 8.1(64-bit)
windows 8.1(32-bit)
windows 7(64-bit)
windows 7(32-bit)
Download Now
Asus G551JM Laptop Card Reader DriverRealtekV6.2.9600.21243 10.57 MBwindows 8.1(64-bit)
windows 8.1(32-bit)
windows 7(64-bit)
windows 7(32-bit)
Download Now
Asus G551JM Laptop Touchpad DriversASUS V2.2.19 32.96 MBwindows 8.1(64-bit)
windows 8.1(32-bit)
windows 7(64-bit)
windows 7(32-bit)
Download Now
Asus G551JM Laptop Wireless Lan DriversQualcomm V10.0.0.299 41.77 MBwindows 8.1(64-bit)
windows 8.1(32-bit)
windows 7(64-bit)
windows 7(32-bit)
Download Now
Asus G551JM Laptop BlueTooth driverIntel V17.1.1433.02 6.08 MBwindows 8.1(64-bit)
windows 8.1(32-bit)
windows 7(64-bit)
windows 7(32-bit)
Download Now

Importance of Asus g551 jm laptop latest driver types and Its features?

It is quite important to keep tab on the latest Asus g551jm driver versions for windows. However, a few of the notebooks and laptops updates the latest drivers automatically for you and leave you with peace of mind. These latest drivers are less prone to errors and optimize the performance besides allowing you to extract most out of your hardware. Each driver does its tasks related to its intended hardware

Audio drivers: These drivers manage and control the audio components such as sound cards and in turn control the audio devices that are connected to the system such as speakers and headsets for giving good sound clarity and quality for the users listening to songs or any audio lessons.

BIOS drivers: These asus g551jm bios driver control the BIOS functions such as input-output processes, flow of data between hardware, and boot operations of the laptop.

Chipset drivers: These drivers control the chipset and manages the data flow between memory, processor and peripherals.

Touchpad drivers: These ensure uninterrupted input operations of the asus g551jm laptop. In fact, these drivers make sure that the input devices such as mouse, keyboard and other input components respond quickly for the inputs given by the user.

Network drivers: These drivers enable you to get connected to the Ethernet and wireless networks close by your place for gaining access to the Internet easily and quickly. .

System utilities drivers: These drivers give complete access to the operating system for carrying out system utility operations on notebook or laptop.

Graphics driver: These drivers give good video clarity and boost the visual experience of the users while watching videos and playing games.

The above Asus G551JM Laptop Drivers also supports for Asus G551JM series dm197h, dm052h, cn108d, cn013d, dm197h, dm169h, gtx 960, i7 Laptops.

ASUS g551jm Laptop Drivers Troubleshooting Issues

People might encounter various laptop issues such as compatibility issues, blur images, poor sound quality, system crash, Wireless not working,Bluetooth not working,power issues, improper functioning of touchscreen, etc. All these issues can be resolved in one go, by uninstalling the outdated audio,video, wifi, touchpad, Bluetooth drivers and then reinstalling them with the latest one. Despite of your sincere efforts in troubleshooting the issues, if you could not resolve it, then you need to contact our adept and professional technician to fix the issues quickly.


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